Every spring at our Endicott House workshop, we at Career Authors do our best to impart the most practical writing advice to attendees. Of course when learning to craft a commercial novel, authors must consider issues big and small.  

Endicott attendee Margaret Williams is at work on her middle grade novel which she describes as “the story of a young Indiana Jones on a distant planet.” Her book, The Secret of the Golden Eyes, sounds terrific, but I was also greatly impressed by her methodology. To track her writing progress, Margaret created a working document she calls A Hero’s Journey: Becoming an Author, which I found so practical and inspiring that I asked Margaret if I could share it with our readers, a request she granted.  

Print it out, hang it above your desk, and track your literary journey.

Other sage lessons offered up by Margaret:

–       Writing is an art, a craft which you have to practice to improve.
–       You will go nuts if all you do is study it, but likely fail if you don’t learn the rules.
–       Writing is more than two or three dimensional space; it is your new multi-verse.

Special thanks from Career Authors to Margaret for sharing!

Tell us how you chart progress on your WIP here.