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The Organizing Principle, for Fun and Profit

The organizing principle by Paula Munier for Career Authors

One of the most often overlooked tools in the storyteller’s toolbox is the organizing principle. All kinds of stories can benefit from organizing principles—from memoir and literary fiction to creative nonfiction and genre fiction.

An organizing principle is not the same as a plot.

It’s not what happens in your story, but rather how you choose to frame what happens in your story.

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert—a memoir about an unhappy divorced woman who sets out on a journey of self-discovery and learns to feed her body in Italy (Eat), her soul in India (Pray), and her heart in Bali (Love)—is the perfect example of this. In a sea of self-actualization memoirs, Gilbert’s became not only a bestseller, but a phenomenon. (Bali is still awash in single women looking for Javier Bardem.)

I maintain that the structure of this story—right there in the title—is much of the reason. In addition to this perfect three-act structure, Gilbert writes the story in parts corresponding to the beads in a mala. Her ingenious use of organizing principle gives what might have proved just another whiny divorcee’s rambling into a transformative pilgrimage that has resonated with readers all over the world.

Benefits of an organizing principle

I’m always singing the praises of the organizing principle. As an agent, I recognize the marketing value of a good organizing principle, as it can help set a story apart from the competition. As a writer and an editor, I know that an organizing principle can give a story more layers of meaning, enhance its setting, deepen its themes, and more. As a reader, I know that many of my favorite books have strong organizing principles, because I—like most readers—am a sucker for structure. Think of a story like The Secret Life of Bees, in which each chapter begins with a snippet from various texts on beekeeping, beekeeping being the metaphor of this fabulous novel.

There are as many kinds of organizing principles as there are stories:

It’s all in the title

Organizing principles are so popular with editors, publishers, and readers that as we’ve seen, writers often base the titles of their works on their respective organizing principles. Here are a few more examples designed to inspire you:

If you’re having trouble coming up with a title, look to your organizing principle.

And if you don’t have one, maybe you should rethink that.

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