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How to Make Your Writing and Publishing Dreams Come True

by Hank Phillippi Ryan

It seemed as if it was going to happen, right? You finally finished your book, and there it is in all its glory. You worked so hard! And your significant others loved it.  And then–the rejections began. From agents. From editors.  From, it seemed,  absolutely everyone. Is your book dream about to die?

Wait. Maybe the Career Authors can give your book a wake up call–and a new lease on life.  Join us at the Career Authors Writers Weekend, May 5-7.  Read on to  get the scoop.

Here’s the deal. If you’ve been struggling to get your book published, you ‘ll certainly have noticed that the journey is full of gatekeepers and hidden pitfalls.

Agents and acquiring editors are being inundated with more submissions than ever before, and to make the cut you need a competitive edge. Truth: They simply don’t have the bandwidth to consider, let alone read, every submission. To get noticed in today’s market you need an inside track.

Like we said. That’s where Career Authors comes in! We’ve teamed up with MIT Endicott House to bring you an intensive writer’s workshop weekend designed to help you “jump to the head of the line” in your quest for publication. We’ll be there in person! And it’s all about you and your book.

Now, we know what you’re asking now:

Is it worth my time?

That’s exactly the right question.  As writers, our time and focus are arguably our most valuable assets.  And devoting time to a retreat means giving up something else. But  wait–consider this opportunity as an exercise in efficiency. How many questions do you ask yourself every day? How often do you Google or watch a YouTube show? Sure, you’ll get generic answers.  They might help. They might not.  But at the Career Authors weekend, we’re talking with you about your personal manuscript.  With answers just for you.

As #1 Best-selling author Brian Andrews says, “With this program, you’re trading hundreds of hours of DIY research online for a curated program where the answers are delivered directly to you by vetted and accomplished insiders. Most of the time, aspiring writers don’t even know the right questions to ask. That’s where we come in. ”

What does this retreat provide that similar conferences do not?

If you’ve been to other conferences, you probably have some good takeaways. One private moment with a teacher, one prized networking conversation with a business insider.  But bestselling author and powerhouse literary agent Paula Munier says:  “Our retreat offers a unique combination of personal attention, professional know-how, and insider secrets, offered up at a spectacularly beautiful place with really, really good food ” (Ed note: really, really good food. See that photo below? That’s an actual dinner.)
And you may have worked and worked on your edits and revisions, but wouldn’t it be great to show your WIP to an elite New York editor? One who has worked on dozens of bestsellers? Yup. You’ll get to hang out with Dana Isaacson.
He says “Publishing remains such a mystery to outsiders. At this conference, writers will get the chance to interact face-to-face with subject matter experts who can offer career guidance that one simply cannot get from any other forum. “
Your book. Your personal guidance.

Is it worth the expense?

I’m USA Today bestselling author Hank Phillippi Ryan, and I know the answers are different for everyone. But I keep thinking about what I would have done if I’d been offered this fifteen years ago when I began. So now I say to  you:  “How much would you pay to change your writing  life? How much would you pay to get one on one consultations with editors, an agent and successful authors?  How much would you pay to get noticed in this crazy world of publishing?  Sure, you can stay home and try to do it yourself. Has that worked for you so far? Or will you have the confidence and the passion to invest in your own career. That’s what this weekend is all about. ”

What’s the value proposition?

“Consider this an investment in your writing life,” says  bestselling author Jessica Strawser. (She’s also an executive editor at Writer’s Digest, just saying.) “This isn’t some sterile conference in some cookie-cutter hotel; it’s an intimate weekend with serious peers, where you’ll work hard and then reward yourself for your commitment and courage by enjoying all Endicott House has to offer. The faculty to attendee ratio is uncommonly small, and we offer plenty of opportunities to get your specific questions answered, plus input on your pitch and first manuscript pages. ”

When and where…

After last year’s incredibly successful virtual workshop, this year we’re having the conference in person, May 5-7th at the elegant MIT Endicott House. Located just outside of Boston, the secluded property is set on 25 acres in the historic town of Dedham. The stunning French Manor-style mansion features breathtaking vistas of the Blue Hills, alongside beautifully preserved and maintained gardens. Known for its gourmet cuisine, attentive staff, and intellectual ambience Endicott House is the perfect venue for a writer’s retreat. You can stay on property with us or book at your preferred hotel brand nearby. In addition to hosting the sessions and panel discussions, Endicott will be serving wonderful breakfasts, lunches, cocktail hours, and dinners where   instructors and students can mingle, discuss the craft & business of writing, and get to know each other.

This year’s event will focus on:

Will it matter?

And if you’re wondering about  results? One attendee from last year now has an agent and her career is underway! This year, the same thing might happen to you. 


Tuition includes all the classroom sessions, panel discussions, pitch evaluations, and page critiques—plus most meals, non-alcoholic beverages (though wine is available!), and endless snacks. (Really, endless snacks!) And next year, YOUR face will be in a photo like this, taken on the gorgeous Endicott House veranda.


Space is limited because our goal is to offer as much face-to-face time and individual attention as possible. So sign up today and join us for the creative experience of a lifetime. We promise guidance, instruction, and inspiration! The career author in you will thank you for it!

Who has a question?  Let’s talk about the retreat on our Facebook page!

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